Some words
Hey, the concept was cool. A flash tribute to Elite Beat Agents (which is a very fun and highly addictive game). However, I found a few things wrong with your game.
Rhythm: The circles didn't appear in the rhythm of the song. It was kind of random.
Circle placement: Speaking of random, why are these placed in randomly generated areas? Elite Beat Agents makes each circle represent the movement of the dance. Could you imagine if every time you played a song on Guitar Hero, or danced on DDR, the frets or footsteps had changed?
Graphics: It's not TOO big a deal, but it could use some fleshing out. If the gameplay was stellar then the graphics would be an afterthought, but since the actual content is lacking, you could try and make up for it with fancy visuals (like MTV!).
All in all I give you 2/10. 1 star is there cause the game sucked. The other star is there because I know you can do better. Call it incentive.